A centralidade da comunicação na socialização de jovens: um estudo sobre mediação escolar / The central role of the communication in the socialization of young students: a study about school mediation




This work intends to investigate the relation of young students with the communication in the contemporaneousness. The hypothesis is that these young students, immersed in the consumption of the mass media and at the same time owners of a critical speech regarding them, find in the media an important referential system for the construction of their identities. In this context, the media shares with other institutions (family, school and religion) the function of formation of ideas, values and models of conduct, contributing to the production of arrangements of habitus in the present times. To examine the hypothesis here proposed, I conceived and administered a program of communication and education (Comunicar para Mudar o Mundo in english, To communicate to Change the World , linked to NGO Repórter Brasil), during the 2nd semester of 2007 to High School students of E.E. Ministro Costa Manso, a public school in the city of Sao Paulo. During the course, conceived as an instrument for approximation and understanding of the symbolic and cultural universe of the analyzed group, there were produced the quantitative and qualitative materials in what the presented results are based questionnaires of cultural practices, questionnaires of competences regarding the communication, diaries of class and written productions of the pupils. Also through the course it was possible to investigate the influence of the school as a mediator of the relation between the young persons and the media. About this particular subject, the hypothesis is that the school mediation contributes to form more knowing, mature, critical, active, social and creative young persons regarding the communication. I also argue that debating communication in all its levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal and massive) can help young persons establish a relation with the school based on knowledge.


socialization habitus educommunication mídia educomunicação habitus mídia e educação media and education media educação para a comunicação socialização communication and education

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