A busca por moradia : a trajetória de famílias moradoras em áreas irregulares na poligonal Turquino/Maracanã




The present work aims at to understand and to analyze the trajectory of life of the families in the Polygon Turquino/Maracanã in the search for a housing. Through quanti-qualitative research it describes and analyzes the history of life of four families who liveed in deep and institucional valley areas alocated at Turquino João, who had participated of the proportionate modification for Integrated Project HBB, in the incessant search for a housing. Although the Program Habitar Brazil, has had its effectiveness for the population of the Polygon, it stills very prompt. The application of one public politic of social inclusion, would have to be more effective, to guarantee to the resident population in the subnormals nestings, the effectiveness of the social right to the housing.


serviço social com a família desenvolvimento urbano desenvolvimento sustentável habitat human family social work

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